Prospective Students
Department offers M. Tech. in Laser & Electro-Optics (LEOC) and Sensors Technology(ST), M.Sc. Applied Physics (Photonics), M.Sc.(Tech.) Photonics, M.S. by Research, Ph. D. Programs in various research areas like Metamaterials as sensors, Quartz Tuning Fork-based Sensors, Terahertz technology, Nanomaterials for sensing and biomedical applications, Photovoltaics, Microfluidic devices, Nanomaterials applications for Sensors, MiD-IR and THz Quantum Cascade Laser, Integrated Optics and Si-Photonics, Biophotonics, Optical Instrumentation, Free Space Optical Communication, Optical and terahertz spectroscopy, Terahertz imaging, etc.
M. Tech. admissions will be done through CCMT. Typical intake of M. Tech. students up to 25 students across all disciplines. Students have to undergo a year of coursework in the respective program and one year of dissertation work. M.Sc. Photonics & M.Sc.(Tech.) Photonics admissions will be done through CCMN. Typical intake of M. Sc. students up to 30 students. Ph.D. and M.S. by Research admissions will be conducted by advertisement through DIAT(DU) website. DIAT caters to tri-services, DRDO, PSUs, and civilian students for all the above programs.
For more details please visit the research page and faculty profile of the Department of Applied Physics website and DIAT website.